Developed by scientists

The team behind SURUS consists of pharmacists and scientists from the biomedical field. We are faced daily with the enormous amount of scientific information available to us, and the perpetual need to keep up with the latest publications in scientific literature. 

Our own experience as healthcare professionals motivated us to build SURUS. We were spending hours and hours every day catching up on new research to try and make the best evidence-based decisions for each patient. We knew there had to be a way to make this process easier and faster. The idea for SURUS was born! By using artificial intelligence, we wanted to save time without compromising on quality. With SURUS, we hope to empower healthcare professionals in making the right treatment decisions.

Tailored to your needs

Whether you’re a pharmacist looking for answers in the latest scientific literature, or a bio-tech start up ready to gain more insights from your company’s data. We believe everybody can benefit from the speed and reliability that artificial intelligence brings to the game. SURUS is ready to help you in every step of the way — from literature review to data analytics and eventually decision making.

Coming from academia, we know that the pursuit of knowledge is continuous. That is why we keep working on the development of SURUS every day.

Powered by Medstone

SURUS was built by Medstone Science, a young and dynamic  scientific consultancy firm bridging science, commerce & care, with foundational ties to Fresco Farma – a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands.