Frequently Asked Questions

Is SURUS reliable?

We are constantly working on improving and scientifically validating SURUS. We work together with Dutch universities to make sure SURUS generates reliable results that healthcare professionals and researchers can use in their work every day. Our latest results show that SURUS can read scientific texts with an accuracy of more than 95%! If you would like to read more of our scientific publications, check out our Publications page.

How can SURUS read and analyze so much scientific information?

SURUS uses artificial intelligence methods to quickly analyze our enormous data collection. We call this Natural Language Processing, because it encompasses how AI can read and understand the language that we use. Are you interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and natural language processing? We’ve explained some of the basics in our blog posts. 

Why should I use AI-based consultancy?

We use AI to be able to analyze (scientific) information in a matter of seconds. When facing a problem, you want your solutions sooner rather than later. AI helps us to find your solution without wasting time manually reading thousands of articles. Of course, we guarantee the quality of your solution will be just as good, if not better, as human-based consultancy. 

What can SURUS Consultancy do for me?

Our Consultancy team can help you with numerous types of questions. Not sure if your problem matches our expertise? Feel free to contact us so we can take a look at it together. No obligations, of course.  

To give you an idea of the work we’ve previously done: 

  • technology trends analysis
  • disease mapping
  • outcome extraction
  • voice-of-customer studies
  • and much more!

Check out the SURUS Consultancy page to learn more. 

How can SURUS Search Engine streamline my research process?

Instead of spending hours and hours manually digging through databases, selecting and comparing studies, SURUS Search Engine can do the tedious work for you. Simply select your PICOS search criteria, and let SURUS do the rest.

Can I use SURUS Search Engine?

We believe that anyone who reads or works with scientific data can benefit from using SURUS Search Engine. Whether you’re just starting your bachelor’s, nearly graduating from your PhD, or have been a healthcare professional for years – using SURUS Search Engine will make your life a lot easier. 

You can try SURUS Search Engine for free for 30 days. Click here to get started.

I forgot my password.

Click here to reset your password.

How do I conduct a literature review?

Begin with determining a type of review by assessing your data and goals. Are you writing a narrative review, systematic review, a meta-analysis or a network meta-analysis? You can read more about types of literature reviews on our blog.

After determining your type of review, you can start collecting your literature. Use the PICOS framework to define your search parameters: Patient, Intervention, Control, Outcome, and Study Design.

Can SURUS be integrated into my company’s data infrastructure?

Yes! Contact us to schedule a call or request a non-binding quote.

What does SURUS do with my data?

With SURUS Custom Integration, we bring SURUS to you, not the other way around. SURUS can be integrated into your infrastructures and data processing. Depending on your company’s needs, SURUS needs a stint of training to handle your type of data. There is no need to move data to SURUS in order for this training to take place. If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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