Data science collaboration to improve brain tumor treatment

Data science collaboration project between Amsterdam UMC Brain Tumor Center and Medstone: using artificial intelligence to improve brain tumor treatment Medstone and Amsterdam UMC are collaborating on a new research project on possible treatment for glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor with a very poor prognosis. The project will focus on identifying treatments with optimal […]

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Network meta-analysis: for solving an elephant’s problem

Medical progress happens every day with new medicines, devices, and diagnostic tools steadily emerging. How can patients fully benefit from these? How can doctors and pharmacists stay up to date with the endless stream of pharmaceutical research? How can you make medical decisions when comparisons between all medicines are rarely available?  Well, a network meta-analysis […]


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An atlas for treating brain tumors: toxicity mapping by Amsterdam UMC and Medstoneļæ¼

An atlas for treating brain tumors: toxicity mapping by Amsterdam UMC and Medstone Medstone and Amsterdam UMC are joining forces in an ambitious research project, searching for better treatment options for patients with brain cancer. Various specialists are working together in this collaboration between Amsterdam UMC and pharmaceutical company Medstone – from Bart Westerman, project […]


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The Toxicity Atlas

Whatā€™s the best way to treat cancer? How do we make sure patients suffer from as few side effects as possible? And can we use artificial intelligence (AI) in treating cancer patients? These and other questions are what healthcare professionals, patients and their families are concerned with on a daily basis. The answers? We havenā€™t […]


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What are the odds you know how statistics work?

Does eating carrots help your eyesight? Do bilinguals have bigger brains than monolinguals? And what are the odds of catching the flu, even though youā€™re vaccinated? These kinds of questions keep scientists from all different fields of research busy, every day. One thing they all have in common, whether theyā€™re psychologists, linguists or medical researchers? […]


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Dependency parsing: the next step in text analysis

In our previous blog post about NER, Marianne explained how you can use artificial intelligence to analyse a text without having to read it yourself. NER stands for Named Entity Recognition, and is a technique used in algorithms to automatically recognise and categorise words, based on their meaning. But if you want to fully understand a […]


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What is a literature review?

Every day, numerous scientific articles are published as academics are conducting research, discovering new things and drawing new conclusions. All of this information is then shared with the world, so researchers can continue investigating a phenomenon, and professionals can apply this knowledge in the field. Itā€™s no surprise that, even when youā€™re just focusing on […]


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Will named entity recognition make reading obsolete?

AtĀ Medstone, weĀ develop artificial intelligence solutions for analyzing and visualizing medical scientific information. WeĀ createese solutions for pharmacists, healthcare professionals, biotech companies and pharmaceutical companies.


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Van algoritme tot neuraal netwerk – wat is artificial intelligence?

Of je nu een computerfanaat in hart en nieren bent, slechts af en toe op Instagram of Facebook zit, of iets er tussenin – je hebt vast al eens gehoord van termen als ā€˜algoritmeā€™, ā€˜artificial intelligenceā€™ en ā€˜machine learningā€™. Termen die je zowel kunt tegenkomen in sci-fi-films als op je tijdlijn, maar wat betekenen deze […]


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