Frequently Asked Questions

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) forum is often used in articles, websites, email lists, and online forums where common questions tend to recur, .

Is SURUS reliable?

We are constantly working on improving and scientifically validating SURUS. We work together with Dutch universities to make sure SURUS generates reliable results that healthcare professionals and researchers can use in their work every day. Our latest results show that SURUS can read scientific texts with an accuracy of more than 95%! If you would like to read more of our scientific publications, check out our Publications page.

How can SURUS read and analyze so much scientific information?

SURUS uses artificial intelligence methods to quickly analyze our enormous data collection. We call this Natural Language Processing, because it encompasses how AI can read and understand the language that we use. Are you interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and natural language processing? We’ve explained some of the basics in our blog posts

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