SURUS CUstom integration

Your data. Our expertise.

Kickstart your company’s next evolution

We have trained SURUS in-house, and optimized it for the analysis of scientific literature. However, additional training can enable SURUS to structure and analyze your company’s data. Integrate SURUS into existing data workflows and infrastructure to unlock customized data analysis capabilities for your company.

Your data

There’s a lot of data within your company waiting to be analyzed, such as electronic health records, full-text scientific articles, or trial data. Customize SURUS to convert this valuable raw material into actionable insights, with better outcomes for your patients as a result.

Our expertise

Combine the SURUS infrastructure and our team’s experience to train SURUS for your specific needs. We know SURUS inside and out, and are able to optimize it according to your company’s needs. Our experience in training and optimizing SURUS ensures a seamless transition. Quality control and continuous monitoring of SURUS’ performance after the transition are included.


  • Proposal

    Together, we will assess your company’s needs, data sources and requests.

  • Training

    Our experts will train SURUS on a subset of the company’s data, to ensure the requested data extraction.

  • Quality

    Regular quality checks are built in for high-accuracy predictions.

  • On the move

    The customized SURUS model is moved to the servers of the company. Your data stays safe.

  • Data extraction

    SURUS will extract important elements from the company’s data to enable data analytics.

  • Integration

    SURUS is integrated in your company’s software structure, so SURUS will grow along with you.

SURUS at Amsterdam UMC

SURUS Infrastructure is customized and specifically trained by our experts to extract efficacy and safety data from patient records to fuel the prediction models of Amsterdam UMC. Using these models, the treatment success of drug combinations for glioma patients can be predicted.

Learn more about SURUS Custom Integration

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